
We were very glad to hear of this success  : proof that the QUIKSLING had saved a life.




Here is a small sample of what other skippers have said about the QUIKSLING...

"I would say it's the best piece of kit I've seen yet. Simple to use"

John A Buchan, Skipper Owner - Ocean Endeavour PD 625  (Scotland)

"Great piece of kit"

David Sinclair, Skipper Orkney Ferries. (Shetland)


"Best MOB kit yet"

James Locker, Skipper Owner - Our Lass lll  WY 261  (England)


"After seeing the kit, I decided it is a must for us to have it onboard"

William Runcie, Skipper Owner - Ocean Challenge BF 85  (Scotland)


"Glad to have it onboard the boat"

Tom,  Skipper - Paula D 165  (Ireland)


"It works. Important that everyone knows how to use it" 

Jacob Claeson, Skipper Owner - Ginneton GG 203   (Sweden)


"Very safe, very secure. We have tried it out in rough weather"

Karl, Skipper - "Von" Lifeboat  (Faroe Islands)


"Thank you for your great idea"

Mel, Skipper Owner - FV Accord BCK 232  (Scotland)

"We practice with it out in the North Sea. It gets the lads back aboard again easily"

Ian,  Skipper Owner FV Courageous LK 470  (Shetland)


"This would have been ideal to have on board when we needed it off Iceland"

Høgni Hansen, Skipper Owner- Hogaberg FD 110  (Faroe Islands)

"I tried it out myself. The lads had my feet back on deck in just over a minute"

Michael, Skipper Owner - Appollo INS 179  (Scotland)


"It would almost be stupid of me not to carry it"

Ivar, Skipper - Venda H 4 AV  (Norway)


"A really good idea. This should be supported"

Peter Bruce, Skipper Owner - Budding Rose PD 418  (Scotland)


"Worked great in practice at sea. I was lifted out of the water well away from boat"

Mate, - Sunbeam FR 487  (Scotland)


"A good investment for us"

Trond, Skipper Owner - Østerbris H 99 AV  (Norway)


"This is the very best"

Skipper Owner - Gerda Marie H 365 AV  (Norway)


"We did our first drill with it last week. Everyone is happy"

Øvind, Skipper Owner - Storegg M 345 A  (Norway)


"Very glad of it"

Bjarne, Mate - Gunnar Langva M 189 A  (Norway)


We truly appreciate the many hundreds of other kind comments made by all of our customers.

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